Lights Out

I’m starting to feel a bit Amish. When it gets dark out, the options are candles, going to bed, or a flashlight. That’s right, a flashlight. I’m progressive Amish.
And there’s no AC either. Windows are open and the climate is maintained by the great outdoors. The sounds are of birds chirping and squirrels romping around. Mostly, it’s quiet and dark.
Those of you not along the east coast of the US probably have no idea what I’m talking about. Remember that post I did a few days ago, Natural Disasters? Yeah, well today (Wednesday) is day 4 without electricity. It’s challenging, but also refreshing.
There’s no facebook or twitter or reverbnation at home. There’s no television. No internet either.
There’s no pedalboard. No amps. No electric guitars.
Sure, we take electricity for granted. Lights are great. It’s challenging getting ready for work in the dark. It sucks pretty bad at times. But once you don’t have it, you realize all of the noise in your life.
I mean, I even had electricity when I went to Africa. There’s no need to escape it because it is. Electricity has become such an integral part of our lives that we don’t understand the idea of it not existing. You can’t know about electricity and not strive towards it.
But not having it and being helpless to change that gives you new perspective on life.
Like I said, no noise. So my main options over the past few days have been to do something active (climb), or to play guitar.
Not that these aren’t already my primary activities, but playing guitar is now something done in silence. I’m used to playing with some sort of background noise. I “practice” and write while watching tv or something of the like. It keeps it interesting and helps to be able to practice for hours on end.
But practicing in silence… it’s much more intentional. You hear more of what you’re doing and can correct it accordingly. You’re not distracted.
And I don’t mean this so much for guitar. I’ve played guitar for 10 years now. I’m thinking of this more in terms of when I sat down to play cello a bit. An instrument that has, so far, completely dominated me. But in complete silence you can concentrate better; just enough so that you can measure your progress by ten minute increments rather than by days, weeks, or years.
I think there will be some interesting things to come.

I got power Thursday evening. Obviously it's hard to post stuff online without electricity...

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